On behalf of all of us at Rap Entertainment, we want to send our condolences to the family, Hip Hop Community and friends of Kangol of the Hip Hop Pioneering group – UTFO.
All of our talented Hip Hop pioneers are very dear to all of us but Kangol’s passing cuts us deep because when we were coming up back in the late 80’s early 90’s this guy helped us navigate through the game without an ounce of an ego.
Anytime we worked with him he was never without that great smile and he accommodated us like a relative. It never felt like you were working with a person that along with his other legendary group members – U.T.F.O (RIP Educated Rapper) exploded on Hip Hop like an atomic Bomb only a few years before! Skills so sharp and ground breaking. Learning his lyrics was like taking a Master Class in Emceeing!
And through the years Kangol
remained supportive of the culture like a fan.
You could feel his excitement at events, and gatherings, glamouring over Hip Hip like a proud father.
We are now digging out footage of the many projects that we work on with the legend but I’m sure more will pop up in time – we will of course share. Kangol is the kind of strong spirit that convinces us that life is a continuous cycle and we WILL do it again only better! – Until then rest well legend. We will Never Forget!
– Rap Entertainment, LLC
Rap Entertainment Remembers Kangol and U.T.F.O.
#RIPEducatedrapper #UTFO #Kangolkid #RECLASSICS