The H.U.B.B. HELP Trauma Recovery Center for Youth & Families

The H.U.B.B. HELP Trauma Recovery Center for Youth & Families

Commemorative Brick Walkway

This very special fundraiser comes at a critical time for The H.U.B.B. We have achieved much success with our current location and have had the ability to expand with an addition. Our growth in the number of children and families we serve, and our ever-expanding programs requires us to increase our need for dedicated professional staff. Current staff is revered and dedicated and there is a deep, commonly held understanding of the importance of building future capacity and growing financial resources so we may hire additional staff and administrators. Program enhancements cannot be made without proper staffing requirements.
The HUBB Arts & Trauma Center is already a 9,000 square foot, Mayor-appointed “Center of Hope” in Newark’s Central Ward. The HUBB HELP Trauma Recovery Center adds another 2000 square feet of safe space for healing and empowerment. We are reaching out to individuals, private businesses and corporations who are interested in helping us establish this facility by purchasing a brick that will forever be on this walkway. Bricks can be in memory of someone, or just issue words of encouragement.  Please click on the flyer link below to make a purchase.

Support Us, Buy a Brick Today!

Support Us, Buy a Brick Today!

 For our grand opening of The H.U.B.B. HELP TRC for youth and families!
(Healing and Empowering Life Purpose Trauma Recovery Center)

Join us on June 8th or  9th  from 4pm-6pm and take a tour of our newest facility.
The HUBB HELP TRC will aid youth and family victims and offenders of traumatic events who still battle with symptoms of post traumatic stress disorder and ramifications of trauma. We focus on healing through intentional care, victim services and arts therapy. 

We look forward to your support by seeing you at the event.