Tonya Lewis Taylor, author of the motivational book, “Be You, Not Her” and the co-founder of the Entertainers 4 Education/I WILL GRADUATE initiative, is launching through Facebook and Instagram the
Be You, Not Her Challenge for Women’s History Month in March, 2021.
“The purpose is simple – it’s to recognize someone who stands out and blazes her own trail,” says Ms. Taylor. “One can nominate a fierce woman who is uniquely herself. This may be someone who inspires you or someone who you admire.”
Here’s how one can nominate their choice –
1) Log onto your Facebook or Instagram account.
2) Create a post where you tag the individual of your choice for the challenge
3) Include their photo and a brief summary about this person within your post.
4) Tag @iamtonyalewistaylor and three friends you choose on your post – invite them to post their choices on their pages (as well as tag Ms. Taylor) and have them invite others to the challenge.
The Be You, Not Her Challenge runs until March 31st 2021.
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Angelo A. Ellerbee
Double XXposure Media Relations